Yesterday was a US holiday, so overall there was less people working, searching and buying online. But, also that means there were less SEOs and webmasters watching the search results. It seems some folks in the ongoing WebmasterWorld forums are asking about an update.
I'm in meltdown again. We've seen generic drops again and we do not use interstitials whatsoever. Whats more puzzling is that one of our competitors does... AND the drops are on Desktop not Mobile. I'm beyond confused, looking for answers. I'm afraid im seeking answers that aren't there.
And some of the automated tools did pick up on an update yesterday.
MozCast shows stormy weather:
AccuRanker also shows an uptick in weather:
RankRanger showed an uptick yesterday as well:
Google did say, it is possible for tools to see test buckets and show weather based on that. We know the issues with the tools and of course, even what I pick up on.
Did you notice ranking changes early this week?
For the past Google updates we covered click here.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.
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